Logos Matrimonial is one of the ministries of the Logos Retreat Centre. Along with the Matrimonial
website our mission is also to
support you with prayer, spiritual counselling, and marriage
discernment retreats. Logos Matrimonial website is an affordable
Christian tech platform for
Individuals to discover their life partner
Enabling Christian Individuals to find their Life Partner and to prepare them spiritually to receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony
To Provide a trusted & prayerfully guided approach to getting alliances, ensuring that there are no delays in marriage within our Christian community, thereby strengthening, and growing our Christian families
Supporting everyone with strong intercessory prayer, Spiritual Counselling, and Marriage Discernment Retreats.
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When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
Every user registered on Logos Matrimonial is verified via photo and mobile phone so you don’t have to worry how real or fake anyone is..
After the blessing of Melchizedek, God appeared to Abraham in a vision and said, ‘After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward’ (Gen 15:1). This is a promise from God. And God will fulfill it through Jesus Christ. Through our faith in Christ Jesus all promises will be fulfilled (2 Cor.1:20). God appeared to Abraham in a vision and likewise Jesus comes to us in vision and tells us ‘Fear not I am your shield and reward’. The meaning for Shield is protection on all sides. Jesus protects us from all dangers and wiles of the enemies. Jesus Christ himself is the reward to every believer. Jesus is God in human form (Col.2:9). God protects us and gives us victory from our enemies especially victory over sin, sickness, Satan and death (CCCC 314). God is our Defender. Continuous communion with God gives us constant assurance of His holy presence with us. We don’t need an exceedingly greater reward than having God Himself as our Shield and Reward. “You are a child of grace. If God gave you grace, because you gave it freely, then you should love freely. Do not love God for the sake of a reward; let God be your reward!” – St. Augustine
View MoreThe consequences of sins are very complex, only God knows all dire consequences of sins. Hence God speaks to us through the Bible, not wanting anyone to perish but come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9). All those who are in sin can do only three things very effectively, i.e., eating, cheating and hating. What is sin? “Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. It has been defined as "an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law” (CCC 1849).
View MoreOvercome fear by staying focused on Jesus and talk to him. And also talk to His Father directly. Trust in Jesus and pray, that will help you to overcome your fears. What is the origin of fear? Origin of fear is from any event which has no remedy or answer. But God helps one to overcome it.
View MorePrayer is a conscious, constant, conversation with almighty and that helps us to make an everlasting and intimate relationship with God. Therefore prayer is a relationship with God. This relationship makes difference in our outlook, insight, attitude, behavior and sad occurrences. God is waiting to interact in us to change everything for our favour (Rom 8.28). At the same time satan is also trying to interact in our life to make everything for our disfavor (CCCc 74). Through prayer we will have victory in this battle ie., victory over sin, sickness, suffering, satan and death (CCCc 313). So satan and his dominion makes our life a battlefield (CCC 409). God cannot change everything and anything for our favour because God is not an intruder into our personal freedom. If we do not give consent, God cannot interact in our lives. Therefore prayer is also an act of giving personal consent by asking to God to interact in our lives (Youcat 487). Therefore without asking to God, we may not get many things for our favour.
View MoreIntroduction God created two institutions: one is family and other one is Church in the Trinitarian model. If we do not take much care, these two institutions will become like hell. Mutual sanctification and holiness of children are the plans of God in marriage (1Cor 7:14-16). Broken relationship with God is one of the main reasons of broken families in the world. Family is the vineyard of God which should not be destroyed by weeds – Pope Francis I.
View More“...My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me...” (Mt. 26:39) Introduction Jesus says, “I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.” (John 14:13-14) If so, then why are some prayers denied or delayed? What do the Bible, the Magisterial teaching, and the living tradition of the Church say about it? The full revelation of God consists in the Bible, in the magisterial teaching and in the living tradition of the Church (Vat. II, Dei Verbum 10).
View MoreWhen we are ready to give glory to God in the highest, God is ready to give peace on earth. There are unrest and lack of peace in many places on this planet earth. Why is it so? Because many are not quite often ready to give glory to God through their sincere worship. How to offer sincere worship? All those who worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth (Jn 4:24). Many are away from the spirit and truth. What is spirit? Spirit means the Holy Spirit. What is truth? The word of God is truth (Jn 17:17). And Jesus is the word of God (Rev.19:13). So Jesus is truth (Jn14:6). The word of God is life and spirit ( Jn 6:63). Without having a life according to the word of God ever the world will enjoy peace because life according to the word of God is true worship. Angels came from heaven to glorify God by their worship through Jesus to have peace among them and in heaven. Shepherds came to do the same to have peace among themselves and their herds. The magi came from the east to worship Jesus in Bethlehem to enjoy peace in their respective nations. Therefore without giving glory to God through Jesus, the present generation will not have peace and joy. Nobody can give glory to God without having sincere worship through Jesus Christ.
View More“And when evening arrived, they brought to him many who had demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word. And he healed all those having diseases in order to fulfill what was spoken through prophet Isaiah” (Mt. 8:16-17). The mind of Jesus is to heal all the sick. A leper asked Jesus, “If you are willing you are able to heal me” Jesus said to him, “I am willing, be healed”. Immediately his leprosy was healed (Mt.8:1-3.) St. Paul said that we know the will of Jesus and we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor2:16). All those who have the Mind of Christ are prompted to pray for the healing of the Sick. Because healing of the sick is the will and mind of Jesus Christ. Mind of Christ is the mind of His Church. Therefore Church has two sacraments for the healing of the sick. They are: sacrament of confession and sacrament of the anointing of the sick. “Christ, the physician of our soul and body, instituted these sacraments because the new life that he gives us in the sacraments of Christian initiation can be weakened and even lost because of sin. Therefore, Christ willed that his Church should continue his work of healing and salvation by means of these two sacraments” ( CCCc 295).
View MoreHave you ever crucified Jesus? (Heb 6:6) “And then have fallen away, sin on their own therefore crucifying again the son of God and holding him up to contempt” How is this possible? Jesus has no material body after his resurrection; he has assumed a resurrected body, and then how can someone crucify the resurrected body of Jesus by committing sin and remaining in it. But this is the truth that someone who lives in sin has already crucified Jesus.
View MoreGo and learn what this means, I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous but the sinners.” (Mt 9:13) In this Year of Mercy let us celebrate the Divine Mercy Feast with its due solemnity. Almost all human miseries will be eradicated through the celebration of the Divine Mercy Feast.
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