Easter gives out the message that every sorrow will turn into joy.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will
rejoice, you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.” (Jn 16:20).
The vicarious suffering of Jesus resulted in great joy of the resurrection on Easter Sunday. Why is there great joy? It is because entire humanity is saved and redeemed through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus. In the same way all our sufferings will be turned into joy and for our favour if we love God (Rom 8:28).
57 – God is in no way directly or indirectly the cause of suffering. The Church
says “...in the original plan of God, man and woman should not have had to
suffer or die...” (CCCc 72)
418 says that “Suffering, death, powerlessness, ignorance, concupiscence are
the result of the original sin."
1264 declares that Suffering, death, ignorance, character weakness and
concupiscence are the temporal punishments of the original sin which are not
cancelled by baptism.
1521 – Suffering is a consequence of original sin.
II says in GS 13:- Many of the human sufferings are not from God the good
Creator but from the evil one. By faith in Christ Jesus and grace from God
along with sincere prayers, anyone can be set free from the bondage of
suffering. For CCC 2448 says human suffering in various forms elicited the
compassion of Jesus and he took it upon his body and set humanity free from
suffering. All those who believe in Him can personally attain freedom from
311 reads “God never gives suffering but allows it.” The freedom of choice is
the origin of evil in this world. God has not created suffering or evil.
312 – God will change all our sufferings for our favour and for the glory of
God through our request (prayer) and by our patient joining with the Suffering
314 - But nobody can overrule the vicarious aspect of the human suffering,
though healing is a sign of the Kingdom of God. Then suffering can be a means
of self purification and means of salvation for oneself and others (Col 1:24).
are called to joy. Nevertheless each day they experience many forms of
suffering and pain.» (John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles laici,
53: AAS 81(1989), 498). All human beings are called to joy not suffering.
Therefore God has a plan for your wellness not for suffering (Jer. 29:11).
there is a suffering, God will turn it for your favour if you ask for it with
faith or you can also retain it by your personal choice and preference. On
retaining suffering, God gives five special blessings - the gift of revelation,
manifestation of the power of the risen lord with joy (2 Cor. 12:9), self
purification, salvation for oneself and others. These blessings are also given
without suffering as in the case of many saints.
the cross of Christ not only is the redemption accomplished through suffering,
but also human suffering itself has been redeemed... In bringing about the
redemption through suffering, Christ has also raised human suffering to the
level of the redemption. Thus each man in his suffering can also become a
sharer in the redemptive suffering of Christ.» (JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter
Salvifici doloris, 19: AAS 76(1984), 225).